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(JJ Lin)
(JJ Lin)
As I Believe - Single (2019)
As I Believe
SHOW THE WORLD - Single (2019)
Wonderland - Single (2019)
將故事寫成我們 (The Story of US) - Single (2019)
將故事寫成我們 (The Story of US)
對的時間點 (The Right Time) - Single (2019)
對的時間點 (The Right Time)
我們很好 (Better Days) - Single (2019)
我們很好 (Better Days)
進階 (Resurgence) - Single (2018)
進階 (Resurgence)
偉大的渺小 (Message In A Bottle) (2017)
Until The Day
丹寧執著 (Own The Day)
偉大的渺小 (Little Big Us)
剪雲者 (Paper Clouds)
四點四十四 (Shadows)
小瓶子 (Message In A Bottle)
我繼續 (Eagle’s Eye)
穿越 (Stay)
聖所 (Sanctuary)
身為風帆 (Destiny)
黑夜問白天 (53 Dawns)
2infinity And Beyond - Single (2016)
2infinity And Beyond
和自己对话 (From M.E To Myself) (2015)
Lier And Accuser
Overture : Welcome To The Livehouse
Too Bad
不為誰而作的歌 (Twilight)
你 有沒有過 - Livehouse版 (Roll On - Livehouse Version)
你, 有没有过 (Roll On - 電影主題曲) (Ni You Meiyou Guo - From “Roll On)
关键词 (The Key)
只要有你的地方 (By Your Side)
只要有你的地方 - 晚安版 (By Your Side - Bedtime Version)
序曲 : 12年前 (Overture : 12 Years Ago)
弹唱 (A Song For You Till The End Of Time)
有梦不难 (Adolescent)
独舞 (The Lone Ranger)
现在的我和她 (No Longer Us)
Genesis (新地球) (2014)
I Am Alive
If Only... (可惜沒如果)
因你而在 (Stories Untold) (2013)
JJ Lin - 修炼爱情 (Practice Love)
修煉愛情 (Practice Love)
他... 是林俊傑 (This... is JJ Lin) (2012)
不懂 (Don’t Understand)
他... 是JJ林俊傑... Love~ (This... is JJ Lin... Love~)
害怕 (Afraid)
小酒窩 (Dimples) - solo
簡簡單單 (Simple)
翅膀 (Wings)
2011 JJ林俊傑 I AM 世界巡迴演唱會 小巨蛋 (2011 JJ I AM World Tour) (2011)
一千年以後 (A Thousand Years Later)
她说 (She Said)
江南 (River South)
她说 (She Says) (2010)
When You (當你)
她說 (She Says)
100天 (100 Days) (2009)
第幾個100天 (The First 100 Days)
背對背擁抱 (Hug Back to Back)
JJ陸 (SIXOLOGY) (2008)
愛與希望 (Love and Hope)
江南 - 粵語版 (River South Cantonese Version) - Single (2007)
江南 - 粵語版 (River South Cantonese Version)
西界 (Westside) (2007)
不流淚的機場 (Airport without Tears)
西界 (Western Border)
曹操 - EP (2006)
原來 (Original)
曹操 (Cao Cao)
사랑해요只對你說 (Just Saying I Love You)
Despacito (Mandarin Version) - Single
Despacito 緩緩 (Mandarin Version)
超越無限 (Infinity And Beyond) - Single
超越無限 (Infinity And Beyond)
7千3百多天 (JJ20)
After The Rain
All In Your Mind
Always Online
At Least I Had You
Beautiful (手心的蔷薇)
Black Keys (黑键)
Brave New World (新地球)
Castle In The Air
Cries in a Distance
Endless Road
Head On
I Knew I Loved You (Live Session)
Like You Do
Lose Control
Love U U
Message In A Bottle 小瓶子
Not Tonight
Not Tonight (Tomorrow Sounds Good Steve Aoki Remix)
One Shot
One Shot (Mandarin Version) (Live Session)
Our Singapore
Practice Love
Raindrops (茉莉雨)
Stargazing / The Show (Steve Aoki & Lucas & Steve Remix) [Tiësto Edit] [Mixed]
Stay With You (English Version)
Steady My Love
Summer Breeze (被风吹过的夏天)
Take The World But Give Me Jesus
The Gardens (水仙)
The Romantic (浪漫血液)
The Show
We Together
While I Can
Woo (爱的鼓励)
You Are The Reason
一千年後, 記得我 (Remember, Forever)
一定会 (We Will)
一時的選擇 (A Moment in Time)
一生的愛 (Lifelong Love)
一眼萬年 (One Thousand Years)
不存在的情人 (Non Existent Lover)
不死之身 (Immortal)
不為誰而作的歌 (The Song Not Written for Anyone)
主角 (Protagonist)
交換餘生 (No Turning Back)
以後要做的事 (Future Tense)
你啊你啊 (Only You)
你給我聽好 (Listen Up)
你都在 (Satisfaction)
保護色 (Protective Coloration)
修煉愛情 (Practice Love) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
修煉愛情 (Practice Love) Jazz Version
倖存者 (Drifter)
偉大的渺小 (Little Big Us) Jazz Version
光阴副本 (Turn Of A Page)
光陰副本 (Above The Fray)
加油!(Good Luck!)
匿名的安慰 (Solace in Anonymity)
十秒的衝動 (10 Seconds Of Insane Bravery)
友人說 (Somebody)
只對你有感覺 (Only Have Feelings for You)
可以了 (It’s Over)
咖啡+交換餘 (Coffee+No Turning Back)
因你而在 (You N Me)
夢不凌亂 (Braindance)
天使心 (Angel)
她說 (She Says) - demo
如果我還剩一件事情可以做 (One Last Thing)
子彈列車 (Bullet Train)
孤獨娛樂 (Happily, Painfully After)
學不會 (Lost and Found)
完美新世界 (Perfect New World)
小酒窩 - 超甜對唱情歌 (Little Dimples - Sweet Duet VersioN)
心牆 (Heart Wall)
恨幸福來過 (Hen Xingfu Laiguo)
想見你想見你想見你 (Miss You 3000)
愛笑的眼睛 (Smiling Eyes)
我很想愛他 (I Really Want To Love Her)
我為你祈禱 I Pray For You
我還年輕 我還年輕 (Teens Edge)
我還想她 (I Still Miss Her)
手錶 (Watch)
握不住的他 (Can’t Hold You)
放棄治療 (Forgot My Meds)
故事細膩 (Sensitive Story)
明天見 (See You Tomorrow)
是你 (Shi Ni)
時光隧道 (Slow Motion)
暫時的記號 (Passing Through)
最嚮往的地方 (Embark)
最好是 (So Be It)
期待愛 (Eager for Love)
湊熱鬧 (Get Together)
無濾鏡 (No Filter)
無濾鏡 (No Filter)
生生 (The Beacon)
由你選擇 (You Choose)
當你 (When You)
白羊夢 (Aries Dream)
白蘭花 (Gardenia)
相信無限 (Infinity)
稻香 + Stay with You
第三人稱 (The Third Person and I)
第二天堂 (Haven)
精靈 (Elf)
美人魚 (Mermaid)
自畫像 (Self Portrait)
街道 (Street)
裂縫中的陽光 (Before Sunrise)
記得 (Remember)
谢幕 (Hero)
豆漿油條 (Perfect Match)
距離 (Distance)
身後 (Left Behind)
身後 (Left Behind)
逆光白 (Liv’ a Little)
過 (Should’ve Let Go)
達爾文 (Daerwen)
那些你很冒險的夢 (Adventurous Dreams)
那女孩對我說 (Na Nuhai Dui Wo Shuo)
醉赤壁 - 赤壁Online電玩主題曲 (Drunk - Heroes of Three Kingdoms Online Theme Song)
陌生老朋友 (Strange Old Friend)
陰天快樂 (Cloudy Day)
離開的那一些 (The Lost Ones)
零度的亲吻 (Frozen Kiss)
靈魂的共鳴 (Soul Resonance)
鞋 (It’s a New Day)
願與愁 (Dust and Ashes)
飛機 (Fly Back In Time)
馬賽克 (Mosaic)
黑暗騎士 (The Dark Knight)
黑武士 (Samurai)
黑色泡沫 (Bloom)
點一把火炬 (Light a Torch)