I Remember 2006
Trees, Branches, and a Sense of Aftershock Security
[Part One]
Why did it always have to happen
Anytime I'm asleep?
Something loud comes crashing down
And I wake up
And every thought comes through my head
Of whatever it was
That closed everything around me
And now every time I walk down the road
I see a tree with the branches on the ground
[Part Two]
No power, the power lines are out
And I originally thought someone had crashed
But no, it was branch that fell off a tree
It withered way too much
It's just the state of nature now
You can't control it
Don't even try it
You're not going to do it
I remember it came out of nowhere
I woke up to Allan yelling
Dogs were barking
And I see the lights outside at four A.M
Wondering what the hell was going on
So I took pictures of the lights
Sent them to the people I used to work with
I didn't know what was going on then
[Part Three]
And I'm reminded of another time
When a bad storm came into town
When we all heard a crash from the backyard
One of the trees that lined the house
The top of it had snapped off
It was because of the wind
I can tell you I was scared shitless
Eventually, Allan took off them off
The branches off of that tree
And I ended up using one as a walking stick
A tree branch
While I was to go to James
And it gave me some sense of security
It gave me a sense that I was okay
But what a really ironic sense of safety
[Part Four]
You know how long it's been since that happened?
It's been six years
You know how many days, weeks, months, years?
Do you know how many hours and minutes that is?
It's a long time
I will commit this to memory
Everything I know will wither