Dr. Dre
A message (to Bloxton) - GLM EP
Green lives matter too, you know
Bloxton just hit a new low

That's the reason I'm trolling for
If those mfers want more
They are about to have some insane lore

MRs hitting on that auto
Then i dont know the reason they whine about glm, tho

The LRs ain't safe either
Johns a pushover and a meat rider
Okherewego likes to fight so lets call him fighter
VP's disses can't tell you which one was lighter

Acting like they got a girl but neither of em can find her

Lrs glazing morе than glazer
BBQs ban response was ill tеll you later

Claudia left hell and we didn't even make her

Mario dont give a Fuck
Seeing him in game is pure luck
HRs are lazy none host trainings im not even phasing
Bloxton working their nuts off to find our group and trace it
GLM, on this track ready to attack
Them raids, lets embrace it