Azealia Banks
Let's work on our inner monologue

While you're in this relaxed state, it is of utmost importance to keep your eyelids relaxed

Relax into a deeper state, but do not fall asleep
Eyelids relaxed, lips together, jaw relaxed, ears relaxed

Relax the head away from the spinal column and allow it to hang back freely

Release your scalp, unfurrow your eyebrows, do not purse your lips, and keep your ears released

Starting at the top of the spinal column, wе are going to releasе all tension between each and every vertebra

Traumatic experiences and trigger points alike hide along the spinal column

Spinal relaxation and relaxing of the central nervous system is an excellent way to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is your secondary nervous system responsible for rest and digest activities in your body

The self-healing body (The self healing body)

Relax all the way down, there's no rush
Relax down to where your spine meets the top of your shoulders

Take your hands and turn them upwards, turn your palms upwards towards the ceiling, and pay attention to any misalignments in your shoulders
Imagine as if you have two strings attached to your rotator cuffs, pulling your shoulders down towards the ground, bringing your shoulder blades close together beneath you

Now, relax the muscles in between your neck and shoulders, in front and in back, all while imagining two invisible strings pulling your rotator cuffs down towards the ground

Be conscious of any misalignments and adjust yourself

Relax your eyelids, relax your tongue

Extend your hands to the sides of you with your palms pointing up towards the ceiling

Allow any tension in your rotator cuffs to release

Take your time
Take your time

Focus on the thoracic part of your spine and become aware of any misalignments there

Adjust yourself