Sleaford Mods
Tramp Stamps and Trendy Bollocks
Tramp stamps and trendy bollocks
I went over to Morocco for the week
Are you surprised, you flop?
I'm not
Shocking bunch of opportunity knocks
And all this ranting on about [?]
You like the place that much
Why the fuck did you spend 600 quid flying over here?
Tramp stamps and trendy bollocks
I won't repeat the fucker for a chorus
I'll just mention it once
I'm not fucking brilliant
I don't need to rely on gimmicks to write a song
Too many tickling sticks on Promises
And Ken Dodd's racking up profit
I don't want to [?]
Well get fuckin' off it
And I'm not talking about that cappuccino kid shit
I'm a fucking coffee cobbler
So get it [?] you fucking tit
Did you see any of the ancient sites?
Did I, fuck?
We stayed in the hotel and got grubbed up, dawg
All inclusive, uncultured shit
Culture's for pricks
Sick pricks
Like Silvio what's-his-face
And his army of extremely rich sex addicts
Shoot the fucking lot of them
Who orders a sculptor to carve the torso
Of Superman with their own head placed on top of it?
That's fuckin' thick
You're fucking thick
Seven days of sunshine
Laughing at all the swingers, cheesey bastards
You're all real dead ringers for [?]
It's the Return of the Jedi
Return of the fucking [?]
Free drinks, free love, free entry
Over 65s don't drink and drive
Then why the fuck are you trying to sell me cider
With my half a tank of unleaded, Clive?
I like the dive
MIddle England
Still wants to be a cowboy
On Route [?]
Tramp stamps and trendy bollocks
Tramp stamps and trendy bollocks
Tramp stamps and trendy bollocks