J Dilla
Rebirth Is Necessary (Instrumental)
[Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso]
"Along sway— sway— swaying—
Along sway— sway— swaying—
Along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing—
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing—
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing
And— along sway— sway— swaying—
Along swaying marshes
With the white glooms gleaming
And the cattle swishing