With witty wording work a whirl of worries away
Warrior worth a world war won't ever be great
Will on wonders wonder why won't winds wave
Witches and wizards wicked wyverns winning today
Whoa which one whimpers with weathered whiskers
Water trickles with a wisp of whittled wood within her
What a wimp yet what worries is oppression of sinner
When will woman wear freedom wise up with us
Wholeheartedly woke wake ones who is holy
Walking white ice wax molds they warned me
Whether rain clouds or whips from worn wheat
Weak went along right or wrong it's wobbly
Wario nemesis wish the role of a hero
But this whiskey whizzes down thirst of a weirdo
Weird though my will lives watching the top
Winona Ryder can I ride ya oh I see why they locked
Well what would this be all these dubs like GS
If I didn't save one for last probably the best
I rep a little free show my style
Yes from Western so you know we wild wow