Skinny Puppy
Translation to interfere
Exist on to disappear
Some ties flip to ever cave
Is this what .. all it takes
Stand fast for tonight is change_do iT
Pushed up from what we've been framed_screw iT
Is this what we can live down _is this what i'm at stake_dowN
Overhear signs to clear vertigo so surreal_drowN
All the the people say_screw iT and you people say .. screw iT
Over fear dust and clear push deceive: the new deal
All the people say ..screw iT and you people say .. screw iT
Is this what i can take calm down all the people say_do iT
Dumb down all the people pray_screw iT
Is this what i can take down
Is this what i'm at stake down
DOWN_do iT_screw_iT _DOWN
Is this what i can take come down all the places steal_screw iT
Is this what you can play dumb down all the people pray_screw iT
Dumb down all the people pray_screw iT
Calm down all the people say
Run down just to keep on payinG
I'm the weapon with a lot to say
Freedoms end in armed displays
Amend the bullet given life
A metal casing with more rights_than we bE guN