In an Old Fashioned Picture Book
[Verse 1]
Come take a look with me
In an old fashioned picture book
Patience, the girl we see
On the sand with a squint and her parasol look
Sweethearts are sewn 'tween the cloth of her cuff
A shell in her little tight hand
Soon she'll be going away
With her bottle of sand tomorrow
From the shores of yesterday
[Verse 2]
Come see her move and be
In our old fashioned backward look
Just like an old movie
Talking and real like when it was took
Bats, balls and tomboys cheeky and gruff
Faint sounds of a distant brass band
Who rides the donkey today?
Will our visions of tomorrow
Mingle with those of yesterday?
[Verse 3]
Come, close your eyes and hear
Melodies from an old music box
Tinkling as tandems and tears
Go tumbling like tresses and small perfumed locks
Sweet dreams were sewn 'tween the heres of her life
A tear in her little kerchief
Waving and fading away
With her bottled sand tomorrow
From the shores of yesterday
Will our visions of tomorrow mingle
With those of yesterday?
Come take a look with me
In an old fashioned picture book