Julie Andrews
Songs of Fun and Nonsense
Julie: If all the world were paper and all the sea were ink, if all the trees were bread and cheese what would we have to drink?
Martyn: That's nonsense
Julie: What is nonsense?
Martyn: Exactly what the word says non sense
Something that doesn't make sense. If you speak nonsense on purpose that can be very funny but some people speak nonsense without knowing it and that's very sad
Juliе: Sing me a funny nonsense song plеase Martyn
Martyn: As Tomas Snooks and Bessy Brooks were walking out one Sunday said Tomas Snooks to Bessy Brooks tomorrow will be Monday
Julie: Is this a nonsense song?
Two cats sat on a garden wall for a hour or so together at first they talked about nothing at all and then they talked of the weather
Martyn: That's the idea. It pretends to be very serious so it sounds all very funny. Have you heard the story of Mary Morry?
I tell you a story about Mary Morry and now my story's begun
I'll tell you another about her brother
And now my story is done
Julie: Now you start one and I'll finish it
Martyn: There was an old man and he had a the cough and that's half
Julie: He took him out of the store and tied him to the wall and that's all
Martyn: We all know some nonsense songs that we use just to keep time for jumping rope or bouncing ball. Here are some that you may not have heard yet
There was an old woman lived under the hill and if she's not gone she lives there still
Julie: Daffodil Dilly has come up to town in a yellow petti coat and a green gown
Julie & Martyn: Here am I little jumping John, when nobody's with me I'm all alone
Here am I little jumping John, when nobody's with me I'm all alone
Martyn: Do you think you can keep time with this:
Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butters bitter if i put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter but her bitter better butter that will make my batter better so she bought a bit of butter better then her bitter butter and she put it in her batter and the butter was not bitter so it was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
Julie: Oh Martyn I'm quite out of breath couldn't we play a quiet sit down game for a while
Martyn: I know just the thing but first you must promise to do exactly as I say
Julie: Alright
Martyn: Now, i am a lock and you are the key. When I say what kind of lock I am you must say you are the same kind of key, if you want the funny ending you must do as i say. Shall we start?
Julie: Yes
Martyn: I am a gold lock
Julie: I am a gold key
Martyn: I am a silver lock
Julie: I am a silver key
Martyn: I am a brass lock
Julie: I am a brass key
Martyn: I am lead lock
Julie: I am a lead key
Martyn: I am a monk lock
Julie: I am a monk key
Oh, hehehe
I knew you’d trick me but I can't help laughing, do you know any others?
Martyn: I have a whole book of riddles and puzzles i like to read them on rainy days but now I would rather play a moving around game, would you like to march around like soldiers with me? Ill start out and you fall into step
Martyn: Brave news has come to town brave news is carried brave news has come to town, Jimmy Dawsons married
Julie: first he got a porridge pot then he bought a ladle then he got a wife and child and then he bought a cradle
Martyn: Brave news has come to town brave news is carried brave news has come to town, Jimmy Dawsons married
Julie: Oh, hahaha, it's such fun playing with you, but the time seems to go so quickly, I wish it were longer
Do I sound like the three men of Gotham?
Julie & Martyn: Three wise men of Gotham went to see in a bowl. If the bowl had been stronger, my song would have been longer
Three wise men of Gotham went to see in a bowl. If the bowl had been stronger, my song would have been longer