I Declare War
Extermination Process
Reaching out to help foreign countries
Yet we cannot even fix our own problems
The United States steps in when we see it to benefit our image
What about the high rate of homeless on the streets?
Or the people still living in their cars in New Orleans?
These are the problems at hand
These are the problems at hand
Our country’s motto should be
“Rob from the poor to feed the rich.”
Soldiers sent over seas never getting to see their families
Losing their lives for higher political gains;
These are your sons and daughters
Losing their lives for higher political gains;
Like lambs brought to the slaughter
Giving their lives for a country founded on lies and deceit
Giving their lives for a country founded on lies and deceit (deceit)
All in the general idea of God and government
All in the general idea of God and government
All in the general idea of God and government
All in the general idea of God and government