Initium Infinitatis
Infinitum. An endless cavalcade of knowledge beyond our own bubble. The seer of history, the bestower of growth and change. Infinitum merely sees, and it is we who behold infinitum. Locked away in a corrupt sarcophagi of our own making, unwilling to see what is created to be seen. Casting shadow of doubt, doomed to repeat what we see for generations to come
Infinitum is bound by control of its own self, not wielded by man and its very creation. To doom our history by seeing only what we wish to see in our enemies. It is we, blackened by perceptual stasis, who must answer for oursеlves. If we of infinitum (Of which holds no sole bеarer but the endless biomes walking this very planet) may move, grow, change, then why can another not? It is prideful corruption that blinds infinitum's eye, and it is we who must accost for putting one rule on many, but not on themselves
We are not infinitum, we are merely blinded. We choose to not see, we choose to cast out infinitum, and it is how we doom our future. If we are to see growth in ourselves, we must banish perceptual stasis. If you still bear yesterday as today's infinitum, it is you who is stuck in stasis, it is you who is blinded from infinitum. It is you who does not deserve the grace of the seer in front of us all, watching over us…
Infinitum is our construct. We see all. We see what would not if tempted by the blind and historic. It would be history's fault for the actions of today. Infinitum asks you either break the chain, or die by those who swore to stay blind. Open your hearts… Open your souls… Open your eyes…
Infinitum is upon us all…