Greetings to you fellow listener, and welcome to the "DAGames Audio Guide" that came with your purchase of this one-of-a-kind animatronic enrollment application. We're pleased that you've left all of our past mistakes behind and have contributed to our cause. Please sit back as we enter our database (Full of lost memories) into your consciousness
While you're waiting, we hope you're sitting perfectly still, relaxed, and that you have not told anybody that you know who loves you, or is close to you. If for some reason any of your loved ones know of your absence, please be noted that we are not liable for any absences, damaged frontal lobes, or loss of soul. So simply give them a fine wave and box of flowers, and you'll fit right back in to the comfort of your home
Now, let's begin the transfer. As the process starts, you will notice inaudible audio frequencies and ear-piercing trauma. This is essential as we're still tuning your ear frequencies to get just the right tone, and this will improve as time continues. We want your senses to be fine-tuned and perfect for any intruders and liabilities to your (Our) well being. Now, please remain seated while we begin your (Nightmare) rehabilitation process!