My Dying Bride
L’Amour Detruit
The honey of romance, so sweet for us
Through swaying grass we run in arms, just us
The honey of romance, our treat to us
These arms I fold around you, it's just us

Your charms so rare
My flesh laid bare
In arms we dare

I will kiss her mouth and her dark eyes
Lose myself freely in her dark eyes
Fall right through her soul, her mind, her skies

Our limbs entwined
Then comes our minds
It's hope we find

The red lips of her mouth
They call to me

Her mind is mine
Her flesh my kind
Warm, soft, smooth, mine!

I lack for naught
Her mind welcomes my thoughts
Entering the dark, so close
We drift away to nothing
And no-one will find

Within our arms we sleep
I pull her close to me, near me
Into me