Melissa Etheridge
Prelude To Love Will Live (Live From Topeka Correctional Facility)
Now, here's a song
That, uh, I wrote back in 2016
Yeah, back when, uh, huh
There was finally some light being shone on the trauma that women go through so often
The light was being shined on
How sometimes the, the game isn't quite played as fair for us women, you know?
Yes, you know? And, uh
Once again, I, I would never compare my, my experience with yours
I know we have so many different types of experiences here in the courtyard today
But, um, if you've known abuse, if you've known trauma
Uh, I've, I've known a little myself and so I do understand it
And I do understand how you can carry it with you
But there finally came in 2016 that women all over the world were like
"You know, naw, I'm not gonna carry this alone anymore, I'm gonna let it be known"
You know, me too, that's right
Gonna let it be known because, man, that stuff turns into poison inside of you
You know, it's like, it's like drinking poison and hoping someone else'll die, you know, when
When you have that sort of resentment, so
Once again I wrote a song
To, to kinda put it out there
That maybe if someone could, you know, take this song to heart
It's about, it's about having your own love right here, about loving yourself
And lettin' all that other stuff go
And knowing that no matter what has ever happened to you
That your love will live