Melissa Etheridge
Prelude To All American Girl (Live From Topeka Correctional Facility)
Y'all ready to get started?
Are y'all ready to get started?
My name is Jermaine Wilson
And I am the mayor of Leavenworth, Kansas
But before I became the mayor
I was incarcerated in prison for three years
Even though I lost my freedom
I discovered my purpose
I wanna encourage you all and let you all know
You can't start the next chapter of your life
If you keep rereading the last one
Your past is not a place for you to live at
It's a place for where you learn from
Bеcause your past mistakes doesn't dеfine who you are
When you understand who you are then you'll understand who you are not
You are not a failure, you are not a mistake
You were created on purpose, for a purpose
Believe in yourself, follow your dreams
And never give up on your goals
A great example to follow
Is the person that you see on this shirt right here
Melissa's from my hometown as well, Leavenworth, Kansas
She loves people, she loves serving
And she loves every last one of you all
She's dedicated and she's committed
The last thing I wanna leave with you all
Your dedication will determine your destination in life
I hope you have fun, and let's enjoy this, let's enjoy this show together
Hello, I'm Melissa Etheridge