Rap God (Boomhauer Remix)
[Dale Gribble]
Lyrics comin' at ya at super sonic speed
Uh, summa, lumma, dooma, I’m a dang ol' human, man
Boy, I tell ya what, I get a goddang superhuman
Innovative and I'm made of dang ol' rubber
So anything you say is ricocheting back at you, man
Devastating more than ever demonstrating
How to get a dang ol' audience
Of feelin' like it's levitating
Faded like a farmer’s tan, man, I tell you what
Haters gettin worked up, complain hot like propane
Boomhauer spittin' them facts man
Spittin' them rhymes like a dang ol' tornado
Jib-jabber like it just ain’t no thang
Why be a god and not a dang ol' king?
[Hank Hill]
Boomhauer, I didn’t understand a word you just said