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U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Letter to MLK (2014)
Suicide Letter to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Uncensored “Suicide Letter” to M.L.K.
Authorization of COINTELPRO for Black Liberation Movement
COINTELPRO Long-Range Goals and Prevention of a Black “Messiah”
Dick Gregory Mob Hit Memo
Hoover Memo on Black Panthers’ Breakfast for Children Program
Initial Memo on Fomenting Violence Against Black Panther Party
Jean Seberg Memo
Malcolm X “Assassination” Memo
Marcus Garvey Neutralization Memo
Memo on Engineering Internecine Violence Among Black Panthers
The “Haldeman Memo” About John Lennon
FBI Files on Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein Interview (Excerpt): On UN Resolutions
FBI Press Releases
State Senator from Brooklyn Charged with Embezzlement and Obstruction of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Otherwise Illegal Activity Report, 2011
Background (docket no. BR 13-109)
Section 215 (docket no. BR 13-109)
Fourth Amendment (docket no. BR 13-109)
NYPD Secret Hip-Hop Dossier
JAY-Z File
Ol' Dirty Bastard's FBI File
Ol’ Dirty Bastard’s FBI File Part 1: Family Robbery
Initial “Roswell Memo”
2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Excerpt - Juggalos
Charges Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Eazy-E’s FBI File (Excerpt)
File on Ernest Hemingway
File on “It’s A Wonderful Life”
Memo on Noam Chomsky
Most Wanted Terrorists: Assata Shakur
Secret Memo About Michael Hastings
Statement on Shooting Incident in Orlando
The Jonestown Death Tape (FBI No. Q042)
Threats to Naji Mansour
“Louie Louie” Files (Excerpts)