It's Double 3 mothafucka!
Check it

[Verse 1]
Dmagh llil b9a ghi bl ktaba tfou machakil
Dmagh sba7 msmmih dmagh llil dmagh d 3awd llil
I do that shit for the culture and also for some dollar bills
Twichiya, track f sa3a you know the deal
Maddaymch m3ana wakha kat3enna bl forma d Phil
Forma d document dyali t9el mn lmoriat dlphin
Sala lfilm jme3 l pop corn w jib lfalafil
L ay wa7d baghi lbeef yguerr ngoullih hana fin

Makandrbouch Phillip Plein
Sala liya lmdad w baghi fin ndir l plein
Li dar bjnabi tkawa w baghi fin ydir plein
Life is good 3mrna chrina Philips

Chainsaw bling bling in the Porsch from the Piquini
Smoking green for the green spitting like rock in 'n kill
Build the builds in the build shouty was ringing
She wearing all the ringing ring she found the chicken wing
W fuck the rules like on a loose mkhellet rap b orange juice
Katb stoura ki Slim Shady w tal9 instru dyal l Blues
Tla3ti ghi klb ki Scooby Doo t3ya mattiri bulletproof
F chest 3chrai katbin Hollyweed jbl dyl Hollywood
God, please! Mercy on me
Imma stop the rap and do what momma told me
But momma told me go and break a leg (huh)
Ghlatti hania 3awdti ghlatti I'm gonna break your neck (huh)
Track mn hna track mn lhih 7ta njibou 777
Sm3na rap 7ta ch7al bghina nsm3ou rassna f chi cassette

[Verse 2]
Stoura kil3bouli 7aba foug rassi wana dima ghi kansm3 w kan choppi
Ch7al mn wa7d ma3la balou biya mlli sm3ni kanrapper khllitou mbloqué
Silly young n***a better looking to be older laknti fake ghatbanli stupid
7yatna ki chi film w lmokhrij howa nn7ass kolla sa3a kigoul lina coupper
Kanji kznllou7 freestyle w kanbougi
I'll be in the chaws looking better in bougee
Wakha lazy dmaghi ra Luffy
Khelli jibi w ghan3tik lmoufid
7ssbti rou7k Shakespare w capitaine dl bateau sa3a sde9 ghi bateau d Sushi
Gheltti m3a Imma sign a sign in your face wakha mat3ya matlooti
Swwl Vargas ra 3rfna the culture fl college mn yamat Denevri wl Vans
Kberna chwiya wllina nktbou stoura l'instru mtlou9 with the mic in the hands
Five years later m3a 3chiri Tchubi w DØPE ta ra bdina kansawbou the plans
W matjikch ghriba fl future la chfti kolchi darb rolly wl benz
Ba9i madrabna ta million views 'n I step on the juice w kanrapper 3la lVVS'
Rassi 9ass7 3amr 808' w nta 3arf blli ghatchoufna f TV
9lbi ra Ice in the mix w yhyni kil3ada salaw lya l feelings
Wakha ma3ndna 7ta chi piston dima chad a7ssn poste 7it ra kadb f CV

Burr yeah!

Vrum vrum in the city
B3in w7da kanchouf ki Fetty
When they hearing me they calling me litty
*** keeping showing her tities
N***a your music is shitty
Rta7 a sa7bi gua3ma ghatban f TV
Hnaya we breaking the rules mn soghri kanchouf ghi the Glocks w checks w VVS'
Flexing the chaw on my chest and I get angels 'cause I praise to the GOD
Stoura 3ndi gha mjlyin, flowati gua3 kijiw fl axe b7al Drew Smith
Khddamoin f skat kantsnnaw sda3 gua3 li fbali ana ra ghi lowkey
I feel like ASAP Rocky when I'm spitting some bars 'n when I rock my fellow G'