[SARAH, spoken]
A ham sandwich
El Santo Cristo
The second oldest mission in Cuba
Come on!
[SKY, spoken]
Where to?
[SARAH, spoken]
To see the oldest
"Don't miss the dungeons
Where prisoners were thrown to the sharks"
[SKY, spoken]
Sounds like a million laughs
[SARAH, spoken]
Here is buried Christopher Columbus
[SKY, spoken]
At least he's lying down
How about a drink?
[SARAH, spoken]
A milk shake, please
[SKY, spoken]
Dulce de leche
[SARAH, spoken]
These are delicious
What did you call them?
[SKY, spoken]
Dulce de leche
[SARAH, spoken]
Dulce de lechе
What's in it besides milk?
[SKY, spoken]
Oh, sugar
And a kind of native flavoring
[SARAH, spoken]
What's thе name of the flavoring?
[SKY, spoken]
[SARAH, spoken]
It's very good
I'll have another
Doesn't Bacardi have alcohol in it?
[SKY, spoken]
Only enough to act as a preservative
[SARAH, spoken]
You know
This would be a wonderful way to get children to drink milk
[Dance break.]