Aaron Smith
Dancin’ (JJ Flores & Steve Smooth Remix)
[Verse 1]
All the time, my baby, you on my mind
And I don't know why, yeah but the feeling is fine
Can’t you see, honey, you are for me
Oh, we were meant to be

Dancin' in the moonlight
Gazing at the stars so bright
Holding you until the sunrise
Sleeping until the midnight

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin’s when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin’s when I think of you
Dancin’s what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole
Dancin’ is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

[Verse 2]
Every time when I look in your eyes
I smile with pride, happy that you’re mine
Joy in love, your love is true I know
You are the best thing that has happened to me

Dancin' in the moonlight
Gazing at the stars so bright
Holding you until the sunrise
Sleeping until the midnight

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole
Dancin' is what to do
Dancin's when I think of you
Dancin's what clears my soul
Dancin's what makes me whole

Get up on the floor
Dancin' all night long
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Get up on the floor
Dancin' till the break of dawn
Dancin', oh dancin'
Dancin', oh dancin'
Dancin', oh dancin'
Dancin', oh dancin'