Elton John
Just Can’t Wait To Be Prince
[Spoken, Eridan]
I still don't know why none of you will visit the Land of Wrath and Angels. Angels aside, it's a really swell place!

[Spoken, Vriska]
Well, maybe some of don't like the idea of getting shot, genius

[Spoken, Kanaya]
I'm siding with Vriska on this one. I'm having a hard time trusting you not to kill us. Tell you what, write a nice tourism guide, sell it to us, and we might come visit

[Spoken, Vriska]
Yeah. Land of Wrath and Angels, your own stop shop for a bullet in the chest!

[Spoken, Kanaya]
First thing's first, remove the possibility of our deaths from the equation

[Spoken, Eridan]
God, I can't believe you both! Show a little faith in me! Afterall, I'm the prince of this land. Far be it for me to let any visiting nobility die in it!

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Prince of this land? Sorry to say, Eridan. But, if you can't even control your own weapon, you won't control the kingdom

[Spoken, Vriska]
No, Sh-sh-sh-sh shut up, Kanaya! I gotta hear this!

[Spoken, Eridan]
She's right, Kanaya. I have something to say. I might not be a bonified princely god tier yet, but when I am, the first thing to go will be nay-sayers, like you
[Spoken, Vriska]
Yeah! Eh-You show her, Eridan

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Eh, don't encourage him

[Spoken, Eridan]
It doesn't matter whether she does or not. I'm sick of your second guessing. Time for you to learn a lesson, Kanaya. One you won't soon forget

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Oh, no

[Spoken, Vriska]
Where's that music coming from? Oh. You've gotta be kidding me!

[Sung, Eridan]
I'm gonna be the greatest prince to ever reach god tier

[Sung, Kanaya]
But, the only thing that you control is your pretentious hair

Hah! I'll lord across the angel's land
Like no prince did before
I'll climb the sky and look on down
In wings and haute couture
And thus far I'm remaining unconvinced

Oh, I just can't wait to be prince

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Quite a long way to go, Ampora. If you think-!

[Sung, Eridan]
No one saying do this

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Now, when I said that- I-

[Spoken, Vriska]
No one saying be there

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Now, what I meant was-

[Sung/spoken, Eridan]
No one saying stop that

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Uh, what you don't realise-
[Sung, Vriska]
No one saying see here

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Now, see here!

[Sung, Eridan]
Free to rule this land my way

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Well, that's definitely out of the question

[Sung, Eridan]
And free to teach these trolls their place

[Spoken, Vriska]
Ok! I gotta admit. Not bad, Ampora

[Sung, Kanaya]
I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart-to-heart

[Spoken/sung, Eridan]
No, no, no, no. The Prince of Hope decides when he will entertain your class

[Spoken, Vriska]
You tell her!

[Sung, Kanaya]
If this is where the monarchy is headed, kill me now!
Kill my dreamself, kill my computer, just watch me logging out
And in my death all I will do is wince

[Spoken, Vriska]
Oh, burn!

[Sung, Eridan]
Oh, I just can't wait to be prince

Musical interlude, yeah, uh!
Yeah break it down, uh!
Yeah, shake your ass!
Kanaya isn't gonna shake her ass
So she probably is a snotty little prick!

Ev'rybody look left
Ev'rybody look right
'Cause ev'rywhere you look I'm
Standing in the spotlight

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Not yet

[Sung, Trolls]
Thus far we are remaining unconvinced
Just kill us now so we'll escape from this

[Spoken, Eridan]
Hey, now! I took offense!

[Sung, Trolls]
For his reign's total failure we'll envince

[Spoken, Eridan]
So rude!

[Sung, Eridan]
Oh, I just can't wait to be prince
Said, oh, I just can't wait to be prince

[Sung, Eridan and Trolls]
Oh, I just can't wait
To be prince

[Spoken, Kanaya]
Pardon me, Vriska. Get off!

[Spoken, Vriska]
Ah, no