Billie EIlish and FINNEAS on CHIHIRO
Billie Eyelish
It was the chorus of Lunch
Yeah, yeah
Billie Eyelish
And the bridge of Chihiro
Billie Eyelish
But at the time it didn't—
It was fragments
Billie Eyelish
There was nothing to tell us what was gonna, that it was gonna be great eventually. And so we felt kinda like, what are we doing, like I don’t know how we're gonna do this. And I remember there was one night, it was like raining or something.
Uh huh I rеmember that too
Billie Eyеlish
Finneas and I had like
A big fight
Billie Eyelish
A big fight about
Context and subject matter was the big fight.
Billie Eyelish
We'd been writing these fragments of stuff but this was the jag I was on that night was like subject wise I’m not being let in to what you're actually feeling. And I think that there are real guards up. Often times in your life you're going through the thing you're going to write about later, and that was for sure happening to Billie at that point and time. I remember like we just had this argument of me being like just say how you feel and let's jist write a song about whatever you're scared about feeling.