Mac Miller
[Intro: Mia Farrow, Bruce Dern & Sam Waterston]
Oh, there's a bird on the lawn! I think it must be a nightingale, come over on the Cunard or the White Star Line. He's singing away. It's romantic, isn't it, Tom?
Yes, it is romantic
It had been a golden afternoon, and I remember having the familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer


[Interlude: Sam Waterston]
It was what preyed on him
What foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams


[Interlude: Vitaly Mansky]
Прямо перед отъездом у нас состоялся долгий разговор с Далай-ламой. Он говорил о том, как избежать войн, спасти экосистему Земли, какими могут быть последствия перенаселения и как избежать глобальных катастроф, с которыми сталкивается наша цивилизация. Он говорил простые вещи, и казалось, что для нас не было ничего нового. Но именно этот разговор заставил нас посмотреть на мир по-другому


[Outro: 14th Dalai Lama] the basis of Buddhist belief. Law of casuality. All these are relative truth level. Conventional truth level. So, absolute means, uh, Bud— Buddhist viewpoint. Absolute, ultimate, absolute means, even ultimate... ultimate truth, that level, should be something, uh, findable. But, you cannot. Some things are relative. So, you know, one minute, we do not accept absolute. If you accept absolute, that's one extreme. Another extreme: Nihilism. Nothing. That must avoid. So there is— there is reality. But, nature is relative, relative